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return str; } function chinesenumber(num) { if (isnan(num) || num > math.pow(10, 12)) return "" var cn = "零壹贰叁肆伍陆柒捌玖" var unit = new array("拾百千", "分角") var unit1 = new array("万亿", "") var numarray = num.tostring().split(".") var start = new array(numarray[0].length - 1, 2) function tochinese(num, index) { var num = num.replace(/\d/g, function ($1) { return cn.charat($1) + unit[index].charat(start-- % 4 ? start % 4 : -1) }) return num } for (var i = 0; i < numarray.length; i++) { var tmp = "" for (var j = 0; j * 4 < numarray[i].length; j++) { var strindex = numarray[i].length - (j + 1) * 4 var str = numarray[i].substring(strindex, strindex + 4) var start = i ? 2 : str.length - 1 var tmp1 = tochinese(str, i) tmp1 = tmp1.replace(/(零.)+/g, "零").replace(/零+$/, "") tmp1 = tmp1.replace(/^壹拾/, "拾") tmp = (tmp1 + unit1[i].charat(j - 1)) + tmp } numarray[i] = tmp } numarray[1] = numarray[1] ? numarray[1] : "" numarray[0] = numarray[0] ? numarray[0] + "元" : numarray[0], numarray[1] = numarray[1].replace(/^零+/, "") numarray[1] = numarray[1].match(/分/) ? numarray[1] : numarray[1] + "整" return numarray[0] + numarray[1] } function geturlpara(name) { var reg = new regexp("(^|&)" + name + "=([^&]*)(&|$)", "i"); var r =; if (r != null) return unescape(r[2]); return null; } ///** jquery **/ //(function ($) { // $.fn.geturlparam = function (name) { // var reg = new regexp("(^|&)" + name + "=([^&]*)(&|$)", "i"); // var r =; // if (r != null) return unescape(r[2]); return null; // } //})(jquery); //new function(settings) { var $separator = settings.separator || '&';var $spaces = settings.spaces === false ? false : true;var $suffix = settings.suffix === false ? 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"," : ""); } if (old_n <= 0) { return t.split("").reverse().join(""); } else { return t.split("").reverse().join("") + "." + r; } } function getage(birth){ if(!isdate(birth)) return ""; var adate=new date(); var thisyear=adate.getfullyear(); birth=birth.substring(0,4); age=(thisyear-birth); return age; } function round(v, e) { var t = 1; for (; e > 0; t *= 10, e--); for (; e < 0; t /= 10, e); return math.round(v * t) / t; } function getbytesize(size) { if (!isdigit(size)) return ""; var strsize = string(size) + " b"; if (size > 1024) { strsize = round((size / 1024), 2).tostring() + " k"; } if (size > 1024 * 1024) { strsize = round((size / (1024 * 1024)), 2).tostring() + " m"; } return strsize; } function getbytelen(val) { var len = 0; val = val.split(""); for (var i = 0; i < val.length; i++) { if (val[i].match(/[^\x00-\xff]/ig) != null) //全角 len += 2; else len += 1; } return len; } function getrootpath(){ var strfullpath=window.document.location.href; var strpath=window.document.location.pathname; var pos=strfullpath.indexof(strpath); var prepath=strfullpath.substring(0,pos); var postpath=strpath.substring(0,strpath.substr(1).indexof('/')+1); if (strfullpath.indexof("localhost")<0) postpath = ""; //alert(prepath+postpath); return prepath+postpath+"/"; } function hasclass(element, classname) { var reg = new regexp('(\\s|^)' + classname + '(\\s|$)'); return element.classname.match(reg); } function addclass(element, classname) { if (!this.hasclass(element, classname)) { element.classname += " " + classname; } } function removeclass(element, classname) { if (hasclass(element, classname)) { var reg = new regexp('(\\s|^)' + classname + '(\\s|$)'); element.classname = element.classname.replace(reg, ' '); } } function mouseover(jobj) { jobj.attr("color", jobj.css("color")); jobj.css("textdecoration", "underline").css("color", "red"); } function mouseout(jobj) { jobj.css("textdecoration", "none").css("color", jobj.attr("color")); } function bt1mouseover(jobj) { jobj.css("background-position", "0px -26px"); } function bt1mouseout(jobj) { jobj.css("background-position", "0px 0px"); } function bt2mouseover(jobj) { jobj.css("background-position", "0px -30px"); } function bt2mouseout(jobj) { jobj.css("background-position", "0px 0px"); } function col1itemmouseover(jobj) { if (jobj.attr("isselect") == "1") return; jobj.attr("class", "col1item select"); } function col1itemmouseout(jobj) { if (jobj.attr("isselect") == "1") return; jobj.attr("class", "col1item"); } function guardpages() { //屏蔽右键菜单 document.oncontextmenu = function (event) { if (window.event) { event = window.event; } try { var the = event.srcelement; if (!((the.tagname == "input" && the.type.tolowercase() == "text") || the.tagname == "textarea")) { return false; } return true; } catch (e) { return false; } } //屏蔽粘贴 document.onpaste = function (event) { if (window.event) { event = window.event; } try { var the = event.srcelement; if (!((the.tagname == "input" && the.type.tolowercase() == "text") || the.tagname == "textarea")) { return false; } return true; } catch (e) { return false; } } //屏蔽复制 document.oncopy = function (event) { if (window.event) { event = window.event; } try { var the = event.srcelement; if (!((the.tagname == "input" && the.type.tolowercase() == "text") || the.tagname == "textarea")) { return false; } return true; } catch (e) { return false; } } //屏蔽剪切 document.oncut = function (event) { if (window.event) { event = window.event; } try { var the = event.srcelement; if (!((the.tagname == "input" && the.type.tolowercase() == "text") || the.tagname == "textarea")) { return false; } return true; } catch (e) { return false; } } //屏蔽选中 document.onselectstart = function (event) { if (window.event) { event = window.event; } try { var the = event.srcelement; if (!((the.tagname == "input" && the.type.tolowercase() == "text") || the.tagname == "textarea")) { return false; } return true; } catch (e) { return false; } } }